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the inner dog
Photo by Deborah Feingold

Cindy Adams’ Inner Dog

Cindy Adams has the most read daily syndicated column in the New York Post. She has been a frequent guest on “The Larry King Show’’, the E! Entertainment Network “Gossip Show”, “Cross-Fire,” and “The Mary Povich Show”, and has been a featured writer for New York Magazine and the now defunct Talk Magazine.

She lives on Park Avenue in New York City with her dog Jazzy. His favorite activities are watching the Cartoon Network, unfurling rolls of toilet paper, burying bones in Cindy’s bed, getting in touch with his inner attack dog by lunging at the fax machine, shredding important documents and vaulting onto the dining table centerpiece. He does not like it when his tail gets sucked into the vacuum cleaner.

Cindy and Jazzy took a few minutes out of their busy, hectic schedules to quietly reflect and respond to our Inner Dog Questionnaire.

What is his idea of perfect happiness?
The Cartoon Network, uninterrupted.

What is his favorite treat?
Chicken Liver treats and Evian water.

If he could change one thing about himself, what
would it be?

Having to share attention with his new sibling, Juicy.

What is his most treasured possession?
A Dennis Basso golden sable coat.

What is his most endearing quality?
He loves me no matter what I look like in the morning.

Assuming there is such a thing as reincarnation, what or who might he have been in a former life?
I know he was my husband, Joey Adams. In my book, THE GIFT OF JAZZY, I tell all about how Jazzy became Joey. Joey used to scratch his left elbow. Now Jazzy does the same thing! Joey had his favorite arm chair in the kitchen. Jazzy sits in the same chair! They are one in the same!

Is there anything that embarrasses him?
Having to be seen with me everywhere.

What is it that he dislikes most?
Publicity. He’s been on every talk show under the sun and he’s had enough of the limelight.

What is his greatest fear?
That I’ll be using the car and driver when its time for him to be at his play date.

What is his greatest accomplishment?
Softening up the smartest mouth gossip columnist in New York and showing me what life is all about.

What is his favorite place?
Park Avenue. Never anything less.

What does he really like in other dogs?
If they have celebrity moms too!

Does he have a motto?
He was quoted in Entertainment Weekly as saying “Woof-woof-yap-woof.”